
Solver Outage


The Solver is now available. We apologize for the disruption. Please contact us at if you experience issues.

Problem Identified

We continue to working to restore the Advantage_system5.3 solver. Teams have identified an issue with network infrastructure that supports this system and are actively working to resolve the problem.

Problem Identified

We continue to working to restore the Advantage_system5.3 solver. Teams have identified an issue with network infrastructure that support this system and are actively working to resolve the problem.


We continue to investigate this issue and are working to restore the Advantage_system5.3 solver. Teams have identified issues with network infrastructure that support this system and are actively troubleshooting.


The solver is currently offline. Please know that the rest of the QPU solvers continue to be online while we are working to restore the Advantage_system5.3 solver. We appreciate your patience as we investigate this issue. Please check back here for periodic updates.

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